
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Current Topic: Strategy

How 7up changed the opinion of their customers by simply changing the diagonal orientation of their logo

How 7up changed the opinion of their customers by simply changing the diagonal orientation of their logo

What does Snapple have in common with Perrier or 7up? Obviously, these companies all sell soft drinks, but there is another thing these brands have in common. All these three companies have changed their logo recently. Nothing special so far. Companies have to update their visual identity once in a while to keep up with the times.

The size of colors: More intense means bigger!

The size of colors: More intense means bigger!

The rainforests in South America are being inhabited by several species of brightly colored frogs. These frogs are often poisonous and the bright colors serve as a warning to predators not to eat these frogs, because otherwise they might become sick or worse. So in this case, the information that the color conveys is very important for the survival of both the frog and the potential predator. Colors are all around us. Every object you will ever see has color and this is therefore one of the most important visual cues we have. Color conveys a lot of important information about the world around us and some of this information has interesting implications for the design of your call to actions and products.

8 Great Unpublished Neuromarketing Facts of 2016

8 Great Unpublished Neuromarketing Facts of 2016

The wonderful world of science keeps surprising us. Each month, numerous and diverse interesting ‘did-you-know-that’ insights are published.

We stroll through every marketing, neuroscience and behavioral science journal for the best facts and straight-forward applications. However, as there’s so much worthwhile going on in the large field of science, not every article makes it to NewNeuroMarketing.

How to use sensory marketing tactics to create irresistible brands

How to use sensory marketing tactics to create irresistible brands

In today’s day and age, the most successful brands are the ones that deliver feelings and emotions. By stimulating senses (like sight, hearing, taste), emotions will be delivered and learning will be stimulated. This is very effective, because our senses are directly linked to the limbic part of our brain that is responsible for memories, feelings, pleasure and emotions.

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