There’s a heated debate among advertisers about the role of attention in ad effectiveness. More specifically, the interplay between duration and frequency causes quite the controversy.
On the one hand, there’s the faith of ‘Total Time Hypothesis’. Its proponents argue that advertising effectiveness grows linearly with the amount of time devoted to that ad. So the more precious seconds of viewer attention, the better. This resembles the classical view of ad effectiveness, and it favors duration over frequency.
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Monday, 24 March 2025
Go back to the last video ad that caught your eye. Was it the creative that stopped you from scrolling? Was it the message? Or perhaps it was the way it made you feel? While you might know why you liked it, your brain and body were telling a different story through subtle signals you weren't even aware of - small expressions on your face and tiny changes in your skin's sweat response.
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Think about Netflix’s "Ta-Dum," NBC’s iconic Chimes, McDonald's "I’m Lovin’ It" Jingle, or T-Mobile’s catchy tune at the end of commercials. Chances are, you can hear each of these sounds in your head just by reading their names.
Consumers are constantly bombarded with ads and cutting through the noise has never been more challenging. But what if the key to cutting through the noise isn’t in what you see, but in what you hear - sound itself? Enter Sonic branding.
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Remember the last time you donated to a preferred charity or cause. Was it because an advert caught your attention and you felt compassion, shame or outrage? Or was it because you know someone affected by the issue presented in the ad? It’s also likely you were aware of the non-profit organization work; you felt you were making a difference by paying attention or donating. Research suggests we make donations according to our personal preference and values, to reflect our own identity. That’s why we choose to give to different causes (Chapman et al., 2022).
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Tuesday, 07 May 2024
I invite you to play along and do a short thinking exercise. Try to identify these slogans and taglines. Can you also associate them with their brand? (Take a peak at the end of the article to check your answers): “Got milk?”; “Don’t leave home without it.”; “Where’s the beef?”; “Think different.”; “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.”; “Reach out and touch someone.”; “A diamond is forever.”; “Finger-lickin’ good!”; “The uncola.”; “Let your fingers do the walking.”; “Think outside the bun.”; “We bring good things to life”; “Think small.”
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Tuesday, 09 April 2024