
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Lorien Verachtert

Lorien Verachtert

As a neurolinguist, the working of the brain has always fascinated me. My passion for human behavior made me deep dive into consumer neuroscience, which led to my certification as a neuromarketer by the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association.

Today I work as a strategist in a communication and advertising agency where I try to build a bridge between cognitive neuroscience and marketing. This bridge allows me to share practical insights in the New Neuromarketing blogs.

Articles from this author

Unveiling the effect of anthropomorphism in food marketing

Unveiling the effect of anthropomorphism in food marketing

If you are a pet owner, chances are high you are guilty of talking to your cat or dog as if it’s human. Or even give it its own little raincoat when the weather is bad. That sort of interaction is how we create a strong emotional bond with our pet and how it becomes part of the family. Or maybe you give your car a name. A bit strange, but it helps to create a sense of personal connection and attachment to the vehicle. Ever heard of the movie Cast Away? This movie depicts a deep truth about the irrepressible social nature of humans: the main character, who is left alone on a deserted island, personifies a volleyball and names him Wilson. He does this because of his basic need for social interaction. Wilson is the symbol of hope and of his salvation.

Beyond the Taste Buds: How Packaging Shapes Our Perception

Beyond the Taste Buds: How Packaging Shapes Our Perception

If you're a food lover, chances are you've been lured by a mouth-watering package design at least once. But did you know that the shape and color of packaging can also affect your perception of taste? The days where the sole purpose of a product’s packaging was to protect its content are over. As visual creatures, we often base our purchase decisions on the visual appearance of products. That’s why packaging plays a key role in setting product-related expectations. Packaging design can communicate a product's quality, value, and taste, which can influence consumers' purchasing decisions.

But how exactly can packaging design influence our taste expectations of food and beverage products?

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