
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Paulien Morsch

Paulien Morsch

- studied: economic and consumer psychology (University of Leiden)
- works at Smidswater as marketing psychologist.
- works there as a consultant for brands and helps them with their strategic challenges, as well as their day-to-day practical activities to load their brand.
- she is for example as a project manager involved in different (brand) campaigns, mainly to change behavior.
- besides her job at Smidswater she has a great love for research, and is therefore one of the founders of 'de Onderzoekers' a research agency specialized in qualitative research.

Articles from this author

Beyond Positive Emotions: Selling with Joy and Pride

Beyond Positive Emotions: Selling with Joy and Pride

We all know them. The commercials around that time of the year, when the days are short and it’s cold outside. When we have dinner with all of our family, are overloaded with presents and we feel the love (except for your mother in law, maybe). I’m talking about Christmas.

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